December 4-5, 2017

December 4, 2017

Cookie Decorating Day!

Today was spent dipping cookie dough rounds in sprinkles. It was a blast because it felt super Christmas-like and fun. One of the biggest things I learned from this activity is that sometimes out of necessity even really upper class kitchens have to get thier food from other sources and order previously prepared food. In our case we had pre mixed cookie dough that we flattened and dipped in sprinkless. We put them on cookie sheets and baked them all. It was a great adventure.
I learned today that since each cookie had the exact same dough consistency, the only flaw that could be made was in the baking time. As a result, the baking process required consistent baking periods so they all didn’t come out different.

December 5, 2017

Mckenna and I bleached the fridge.
I learned that inhaling bleach can provide a permanent headache and that if you don’t clean the fridge often, you will get mold. And it isn’t pretty.
